From Cox & Forkum. An excerpt from a quote they did by Robert Tracinski:
...But the argument about political correctness and multiculturalism is not really an argument against immigration. In fact, it only connects to immigration very incidentally. If the ability of our culture to induct people into the values of our civilization is in doubt, then what happens to 11 million illegal immigrants is a relatively small problem. What we really ought to be worried about is a group of 75 million people who desperately need to be assimilated into America's culture of individualism, taught the essential facts about America's history, and encouraged to appreciate the virtues of our political system...
From TIA Daily's Robert Tracinski: America's Real 'Assimilation' Dilemma
The 75 million referenced to are the American children under age 18, who are destined to become voters.
Our public schools have been radicalized by Democrates/Socialists who not only fail to teach American history, but who teach that America is evil, greedy selfish country, not worth respecting.
While living in San Francisco, I watched teachers haul the kids out of classes to attend anti war demonstrations, for which they were given school credit under "social studies". When some of the parents objected to their kids being used as partisan pawns, the parents were either ignored, or dressed down by being informed that they were ignorant/racist/uncaring/unfeeling or worst of all, Republican.
Was it Stalin who said that if you want to destroy a country, you must first erase it's sense of history and national pride? The Democrates/Teachers Unions are doing just that. I know that in the San Francisco School System, Fidel Castro was held up as an example of someone to admire, while American patriotism was something to be ashamed of. I don't think this sort of thing is unique to San Francisco.
So it's hardly suprising that children of illegal immigrants have no respect for this country. They learned it from their teachers and school faculty... and need I say, Democrats?
The above poster was from a Dallas protest, photo from Michelle Malkin's blog. Also on Michelles blog:
Marchers against immigration enforcement carry a banner for America-bashing Muslim activists. There is quite an asortment of leftist groups backing these demonstrations; the Black Panthers, the communist organiaztion A.N.S.W.E.R., and of course... Democrats. Maybe I should say "Lefist Democrats" but the Deomcratic party has been so taken over by hard core leftists that it hardly seems worth making a distinction any more.
You can see more by Michelle about the photo and Muslims protesting for open borders HERE.
Note Che Guavara, another communist "hero" students are taught to admire.
Be sure to check out Neal Boortz' post today,
I know many Americans would like to see these protesters rounded up and deported. But realistically, that isn't going to happen because 1.) We don't have the manpower, and 2.) Without secure borders, it would be pointless, because they would just come right back.
Bush is getting a lot of flack, but he's the first president to actually try and tackle this problem, which has gotten this bad because for decades, both republican and democrat administrations ignored it.
Bush has talked for years about a guest worker program. I'd rather make people on welfare work, but the Democrats won't let that happen. That being the case, it would be better to at least register the illegals who are here, so they can 1.) pay taxes. 2.) Be known to us. We can deport criminals. Those who want to become citizens can apply through legal channels.
We need to recognize who is here, so we can have some control over the situation. Once we have done so, we can then work on securing our borders better. I would like to see a bill to secure our borders attached to any guest worker program legislation. I give Bush credit for trying to do SOMETHING. But a guest worker program alone isn't enough. Most Americans want their borders secured, and our government needs to act on that.
I have no right to place an opinion here; I'm a white male with European ancestry who attends a Christian church. I am so sorry to have created all the problems that the world now has.
ReplyDeleteFew things make me want to reach for my Garand more than the sight of some moron waving a picture of Che.
ReplyDeleteLast time I was in New Orleans (a few months before Katrina) I asked the young man behind the counter why there were so many Che t-shirts around. He told me that Che was a great hero in NO because he had fought for the freedom of New Orleans and all America.