This Iranian girl is facing a death sentence, for fighting and killing her rapist, while defending herself and her young niece from an attack by three men. A few excerpts:
This website was created to spread information about the 18-year old Iranian girl Nazanin Mahabad Fatehi, who has been sentenced to death by hanging. Nazanin`s "crime" was killing a man who ambushed and tried to rape her. Please take a few moments to read about her case and what you can do to stop the execution and save Nazanin`s life...
In a western country Nazanin would probably be acquitted or at most receive a short prison sentence, as the murder was obviously committed in self-defense. Furthermore, since she was only 17 years old, she would be treated as a minor. In Iran however, the minimum age for the death penalty is 15 years for males, and 9, yes nine years for females. Although there is no record of girls that young being executed, the fact that the law opens for this speaks clearly about what kind regime Iran is.
Another point worth noticing, is that if Nazanin had let the men rape her, she could in the worst case have been arrested for extra-martial sex, which carries a maximum penalty of 100 lashes.
This case has received little attention from the rest of the world, and one may wonder why.
We would not accept this if it happened in USA or Europe, so why should we accept it from Iran?...
Remember all the attention the execution of Stanley Tookie Williams received all over the world. Does not Nazanin deserve 100 times that attention? ...
(bold emphasis mine) BTW, I have read about at least one case, at the begining of the Iranian revolution, where the state hanged a 10 year old girl. Cases like Nazanin's aren't uncommon, and may even be increasing. And the "lashes" they give people are so severe, they can kill people. I read about one Iranian woman who was given 60 lashes for swimming in her back yard pool while wearing a bikini. A neighbor saw her and reported it. The lashes she recieved killed her.
You can read the rest of the article about Nazanin HERE.
Related Link:
Hanging in Iran
Iranian Mullah hangs 16 year old girl Ateqeh Rajabi.
Hat tip to Little Green Footballs.
At least here in america we have a 2nd Amendment and the right of self defense their still living in the dark ages in Iran