
Monday, July 24, 2006

American support for those who kill us

Hat tip to Cox and Forkum for the cartoon. You can read their related commentary and links HERE. Here is an excerpt of theirs, from Amir Taheri's article "God's army has plans to run the whole Middle East":

...Terror has been its principal weapon. Throughout the 1980s Hezbollah kidnapped more than 200 foreign nationals in Lebanon, most of them Americans or western Europeans (including Terry Waite, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s envoy). It organised the hijacking of civilian aircraft and more or less pioneered the idea of suicide bombings against American and French targets, killing almost 1,000 people, including 241 US marines in Beirut and 58 French paratroopers...

The Cox & Forkum website has more links and excerpts about Hezbollah's terrorist history and killing of Americans. Their piece ends with an extetensive list of links to websites covering the Moonbat protests in America and Abroad, by people who support the killing of Americans and suicide bombers.

Be sure and look at the links to the American protests. These folks weaken us and encourage those who wish to destroy us.

How long can a house divided against itself stand? No doubt the Jihadists look at us and ask the same question. These folks, the Jihadist's supporters in the west, embolden the enemy to attack and kill us.

And it seems that some of these... "demonstrators?" do a pretty good job of launching their own attacks, as one blogger in Boston discovered:

A little crowd started gathering around me, threatening and verbally abusing me.

Some rather short and skinny woman, screaming hysterically at me, grabbed my camera and left arm:

In the ensuing commotion, I suddenly noticed that Noah Cohen grabbed my camera and was quietly trying to break off its swivel monitor. This really stunned me -- I didn't expect he would go to such length and engage in criminally punishable behavior, but I guess, he figured he could afford to do so and get away with it, being surrounded by his comrades-in-arms with no police in sight.

(bold emphasis mine) When I lived in Boston, I knew leftists who would actually boast about attacking and beating up counter-demonstrators when the police weren't around. They would attack as a group, of course.

You can read the whole story about the attack by these thugs here:

Mayhem at the Defend Hizballah Rally!

And remember, Islam means peace... especially when they can get a piece of you.

Related Links:

Remove Hezbollah's missiles--or destroy them.

...Imagine what the U.S. would do if, on its northern border, a terror state-within-a-state pledged to its destruction was established from which flurries of missiles were fired at Chicago, its third-largest city. With that in mind, to suggest, as some have, that Israel is not acting with restraint is preposterous. Unlike Hezbollah, which is indiscriminately launching hundreds of missiles at Israeli cities and towns to kill as many civilians as possible, Israel is using only a fraction of its firepower and is in fact acting with great care to minimize harm to civilians. But because Hezbollah not only targets civilians but also uses them as human shields by hiding its missile launchers in population centers, Hezbollah has deliberately placed innocent Lebanese civilians in harm's way...

This time may be different

... Today, almost no one is demanding a land-for-peace deal. The reason is obvious. Israel left the Gaza strip last year, and the Palestinians there, instead of observing a cold peace, began launching missiles into Israel and elected a Hamas government that seeks Israel's destruction. Now, Hamas forces have killed and kidnapped Israeli soldiers. Similarly, Israel left southern Lebanon to the tender mercies of Iran-supported Hezbollah fully six years ago. But Hezbollah, urged on by the Iranian mullahs who want to deflect attention from their nuclear program, has lobbed missiles into Haifa and attacked Israeli soldiers.

No government can be expected to ignore such armed attacks on its people and its military forces. Land-for-peace is a non-starter. Hamas and Hezbollah already have land. And they have made it clear that they will never willingly make peace.

The Iranian support for Hamas and Hezbollah has also prompted leaders of other Arab nations to respond differently than they have in Middle East crises in the past...

If the appeasers succeed in brokering a cease-fire, Hezbollah will just re-group and strike again. And again. And again.

No cease fire. No appeasement. No Hezbollah.


  1. The ONLY way the left will stop its agit prop campaigns in the streets is when average citizens stop being polite.

  2. It often seems like the left only has respect for people who can and WILL hurt them. Everyone else is there for them to kick.


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