
Thursday, September 28, 2006

The facts don't support the Clintons...

Hat tip to Cox and Forkum for the cartoon. You can read their related commentary and links HERE.

From Tammy Bruce:
Now Hillary Steps Into It
Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Woman Who Would be President, launched a vigorous defense of her husband after he had his Fox News Sunday meltdown. The problem is, while people like her could fabricate history years ago, it's not so easy anymore. Now with the internet, which provides virtually immediate access to documents, she should realize that making it up as you go along just won't cut it. Consider this...

Apparently Bill signed documents that contradict what his wife claims. Oops.

From Dick Morris:
The real Clinton emerges

Former Clinton aide Dick Morris says Bill Clinton's performance in his interview with Chris Wallace shows people the real Bill Clinton. Morris also goes over Clinton's record on terrorism.
From behind the benign façade and the tranquilizing smile, the real Bill Clinton emerged Sunday during Chris Wallace’s interview on Fox News Channel. There he was on live television, the man those who have worked for him have come to know – the angry, sarcastic, snarling, self-righteous, bombastic bully, roused to a fever pitch. The truer the accusation, the greater the feigned indignation. Clinton jabbed his finger in Wallace’s face, poking his knee, and invading the commentator’s space.

But beyond noting the ex-president’s non-presidential style, it is important to answer his distortions and misrepresentations. His self-justifications constitute a mangling of the truth which only someone who once quibbled about what the “definition of ‘is’ is” could perform. ...

I've heard that both the Clintons are famous for screaming at the people around them, but the personality stuff is incidental to larger concerns:

...Clinton said conservatives “were all trying to get me to withdraw from Somalia in 1993 the next day” after the attack which killed American soldiers. But the real question was whether Clinton would honor the military’s request to be allowed to stay and avenge the attack, a request he denied. The debate was not between immediate withdrawal and a six-month delay. (Then-first lady, now-Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) favored the first option, by the way). The fight was over whether to attack or pull out eventually without any major offensive operations. ...

I would really question Clinton's entire attitude towards the Middle East. His views on the subject can be quite warped. He said once in a speech made in Switzerland in 2005, that he admires Iran, because there, the "good guys" always win the elections by two thirds or more, unlike in his own country. Yes, believe it or not:

Iran ruled by the "Good Guys"

"[It is] the only one with elections, including the United States, including Israel, including you name it, where the liberals, or the progressives, have won two-thirds to 70 percent of the vote in six elections...

In every single election, the guys I identify with got two-thirds to 70% of the vote. There is no other country in the world I can say that about, certainly not my own."

- Bill Clinton, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 2005

He's as bad as Jimmy Carter. The facts don't support him in his assertions. Since when are fundamentalists Muslims who impose Sharia law and hang girls as young as age 9 considered "liberals"? In fact, liberals in Iran are considered apostates, a crime which is punishable by death. Can someone explain to me how this makes them the "good guys"?

Are the Democrats all becoming delusional? Is this the party we want to have dealing with the Middle East on our behalf?

From Neal Boortz:
...Bill Clinton accused Chris Wallace of performing a conservative hit job on him. The Left and the mainstream media rallied to Clinton's side. But let's say this interview took place at ABC, where Chris Wallace worked for 14 years and hosted Nightline from time to time? Would Democrats be bashing Chris Wallace the way they are now? Doubtful. It's only because he works at Fox News that Bill Clinton has gotten a pass for ripping his head off...

Chris Wallace (son of liberal journalist Mike Wallace) was not given questions by Fox News to ask Clinton. Chris selected the questions from emails sent in by viewers. Sheesh.

From Ann Coulter:
I did not have s.e.x. with that nomad, Osama bin Laden
...When Clinton's "nation-building" in Somalia led to the brutal killing of 18 Americans, some of whose corpses were then dragged through the streets, Clinton did what the Democrats are currently demanding we do in Iraq: He cut and ran.

Republicans didn't like that either, and it had nothing to do with whether it was al-Qaida we were running from. It could have been Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, al-Dawa or the Viet Cong. We ran, and the terrorists noticed.

Osama bin Laden told "ABC News" in 1998 that America's humiliating retreat from Somalia emboldened his jihadists: "The youth were surprised at the low morale of the American soldiers and realized more than before that the American soldier was a paper tiger and after a few blows ran in defeat."

(bold emphasis mine) In all fairness, the terrorists are ultimately to blame for 9-11. Rudy Giuliani said as much recently, and it's true. Even if Clinton had killed Osama, we can't know for certain that would have prevented 9-11 or something similar from happening.

But since 9-11, the Democrats have been blaming George Bush for it relentlessly. Isn't it time they accepted their responisbility for EIGHT YEARS of neglect? That, combined with their bizaare views of what makes "good guys" in the Middle East, made the path to 9-11 an easily accessible super-highway. No hissy fit by a former president is going to make that go away.

Hat tip for the cartoon to LMC at the Chatterbox Chronicles. Be sure and check out her take on this at:

The Debate Rages On!


  1. Awesome post!! The title in an of itself put a big smile on my face. Truer words have not been uttered. The Dick Morris column is excellent. I didn't know about Clinton's comments about Iran but they don't surprise me. And you are exactly right about it being something Jimmy Carter would say. And thanks again for the link.

  2. The whole of the Democratic Party seems to be suffering from Jimmy Carter Syndrome. I've read comments by too many Democrats that claim that we haven't been attacked again since 9-11, because THERE IS NO TERRORIST THREAT, or if there is, it's been greatly exagerated.

    That is exactly the attitude that lead to allowing 9-11 to happen; the Democrats have learned nothing. Clinton has even opined that people won't vote Democrat if they are afraid. He and so many of the Democrats seem to completely miss the point that it's a GOOD thing to be afraid when someone is trying to kill you.

    When you combine that inability to see danger with Democrats attitude of embracing Middle Eastern "Death to America" tyrants as the "Good Guys", you have a lethal combination. Lethal for us, unfortunately.


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