France has had an ongoing slow riot since the riots that began last year at this time. During this past year, over 100 cars PER DAY are burned, and an average of 15 attacks per day occur on police and emergency services. Now attacks have begun on buses, with 3 buses burned around Paris, and one recently in Marseille, has left a 26 year old French woman badly burned and near death.
There have been "controls" put on Media reporting, in the hopes that the lack of coverage would discourage more violence. It seemed to work for a while, but now the violence is escalating again, regardless of the coverage or lack therof.
Some blogs that have reported on this:
Gateway Pundit:
After Protest March For Jobs, Youths Torch Buses in Paris
With photos, and a video link.
Atlas Shrugs:
FRANCE: Muslims Set Bus Aflame
Has links and updates to include more buses, and a map.
No Pasaran:
French government springs into action
About the bus attack in Marseille.
Paul Belien from the Brussels Journal makes the following report for
France Prepares 50,000 Riot Police for Muslim Attacks
As America prepares for Halloween, France is girding for a wave of attacks from Muslim youths—a reprise of the deadly French riots of last year.
A leaked French intelligence report warns that during the first week of November, a school holiday (Nov. 1 or All Saint’s Day), Muslim riots could convulse the country.
On Monday, Le Figaro, the leading center-right newspaper in the country, quoted a confidential report written by the Renseignements Généraux (RG), the French equivalent of the FBI. The 17-page RG report, dated 11 October, states that the root causes of last year’s riots are still in place. The authorities are especially concerned with All Saints Day when “many urban youths are left to their own and have more time to cause unrest.”
Not that France has been a peace since last year’s riots. In the past few weeks alone, several policemen were ambushed by youths who seemed intent on killing them. In response, the French Interior Ministry asked the police to keep a low profile and not to show themselves in the Muslim suburbs in order to avoid tension.
Since appeasement alone is not a strategy. French authorities are keeping a force of some 50,000 riot police in permanent stand-by. [...]
The left likes to spin the Muslim rioting and destruction as a purely economic and anti-racist reaction to French injustice. Certainly, the lack of job opportunities in France is very real. The irony of this accusation comming from the left is, that the lack of opportunities is largely due to France's rigid socialism and inflexible labor unions.
To dismiss the Muslim element entirely would be foolish, though it's hard to say where one begins and the other ends. Even if this were mostly about job opportunities, it could easily escalate into something more, and perhaps it already has.
France has been insisting that Turkey recognise their role in the 1915 Armenian Genocide, before they are allowed to joiin the EU. This has made Turks and other Muslims very angry. Within two days of passing legislation in France making it a crime to deny the Armenian Genocide, a memorial shrine to the Armenian Genocide in Paris was destroyed. The escalation of rioting may be a part of this. The rioting is also extending to Brussels, where fireman are being ambushed.
November 1st will be a date to watch.
Related article:
From Paul Belien at the Brussels Journal:
Muslims in the French Army
Last year I read somewhere that 15% of the French army consists of Muslim soldiers and that this is the reason why the French authorities do not have the army restore law and order in the Muslim suburbs. So far, I have not been able to find confirmation of this figure in official statistics. In September 2005, the Institut français des relations internationales (French Institute for International Relations, IFRI) published a report stating that 10 to 20% of the army is of immigrant origin, most of them North African. “Their loyalty is continuously questioned,” Christophe Bertossi of IFRI said.Other countries (the Netherlands, Austria,...) also worry about radical Muslims in the military.
The photo is of Chirac inspecting the troops, on Bastille Day. Isn't that pink an interesting choice of hat color for a military uniform? I hope their riot police look a bit more formidable.
Related Link:
The Enigma Known as France
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