
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday Cartoon & Puzzle

Hat tip to Cox and Forkum for the cartoon. You can read their related commentary and links HERE.

This cartoon is titled "The Ahmadinejad Code", and was an element in a stealth entry in the Holocaust International Cartoon Contest sponsored by Iran.

The cartoon has a hidden message. You can read more about it by following the related comentary and links link above. But if you don't want to guess, you can get the answer, and the full story about the cartoon entry, in the following link, but BE WARNED, it does contain the SPOILER for the puzzle:

You can Continue reading "The Ahmadinejad Code".

It has more information and pics about the contest. Another warning: there are lots of anti-jewish cartoons from the contest. Can anyone doubt Hitler would have approved?

The purpose of the Iranian contest was supposed to be a kind of retaliation for the Muhammed Cartoons published in a Danish newspaper, which supposedly caused riots world wide (but they didn't really cause the riots - read the full story Here).

Iran's Holocaust cartoon contest is offensive to many people, but notice there are no Jews, Christians or ANYONE rioting and killing and burning down embassies over the cartoons. That irony seems lost on the contest's sponsors in Tehran.

There are some other interesting pics, too. Here is an excerpt:

... In political discussions, Nazi comparisons are grossly misused, particularly by the "anti-war" left which has made an industry of comparing President Bush to Hitler. Such a comparison renders the Holocaust meaningless, for whatever Bush's faults, he is no more the next genocidal mass murderer of Jews than Cindy Sheehan is the next Secretary of Defense.

On the other hand, Ahmadinejad, the Iranian mullahs, and their weekly chants of "Death to Israel" would have made Hitler envious. (See video of Ahmadinejad leading the chant.)

During the Hezbollah/Israel war, leftists, Islamists, and even Ahmadinejad himself accused Israel of being Nazi-like. Such atrocious moral equivalence requires a massive evasion of reality, including the fact that it is Iran's Hezbollah terrorists who goose step and salute like Nazis while openly fighting to destroy the Jewish state.

Yet the answer is not to dogmatically eschew Nazi analogies because of their misuse, for that would only serve to undermine any lessons we should have learned from history. For the reasons stated above, I chose to apply the Hitler comparison to someone who is truly earning it.


But how does one make such a comparison and hide it in a cartoon? There may be a number of ways, but the idea I hit upon was...

Do visit the site and find out more! :-)

Related Link:

From Robert Satloff at the Washington Post:

The Holocaust's Arab Heroes
Virtually alone among peoples of the world, Arabs appear to have won a free pass when it comes to denying or minimizing the Holocaust. Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah has declared to his supporters that "Jews invented the legend of the Holocaust." Syrian President Bashar al-Assad recently told an interviewer that he doesn't have "any clue how [Jews] were killed or how many were killed." And Hamas's official Web site labels the Nazi effort to exterminate Jews "an alleged and invented story with no basis." [...]

Yet when Arab leaders and their people deny the Holocaust, they deny their own history as well -- the lost history of the Holocaust in Arab lands. It took me four years of research -- scouring dozens of archives and conducting scores of interviews in 11 countries -- to unearth this history, one that reveals complicity and indifference on the part of some Arabs during the Holocaust, but also heroism on the part of others who took great risks to save Jewish lives. [...]

This is a story you don't hear much about. It's ironic, that Arab holocaust heros can't be celebrated by people who refuse to acknowlege the holocaust even happened.

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