
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

BeOS lives on... newly incarnated as "Haiku"

Does anyone remember BeOS? An impressive computer OS, that just never really got a large enough following to catch on. I would have pursued using it, but there weren't enough applications for it at the time to make it useful enough. But the base it was built on was fast, and seemed great for graphics.

Recently I came across this article, which gives some details about what's happened with BeOS. It's making a come back under a new name: "Haiku":

Haiku: Long Live BeOS
[...] You may initially think of a haiku as being a form of a poem, but this Haiku is entirely different. The Haiku that we’re talking about is an open source operating system that is strongly inspired by BeOS. When BeOS was discontinued, a development project called OpenBeOS was created to help keep the operating system going, and it was eventually renamed Haiku, which leads us to where we are today.

Far from being some sort of subpar imitation of BeOS, Haiku’s developers have done their best to stick close to their source material, thereby assuring that the BeOS experience can be enjoyed even today. Although this project has been around for some time (dating back to 2001), it was just brought to my attention now, and I guess that’s because it’s starting to gain traction. It should be noted that a full release isn’t available for the public just yet, but if you’re the adventurous developer/tester type, then you can give one of the prerelease builds a try. [...]

I'm glad it didn't just disappear, but it may still not be ready to compete with the big players yet. If you are curious, you can find out more at their web site:

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