
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fly the Unfriendly Skies... or be Sued

(You can read Cox & Forkum's related commentary and links HERE.)

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) has a history of litigating against people as a way to silence their critics and avoid scrutiny. Now they are going after the passengers who complained about the flying imams disturbing behavior.

CAIR has a very specific agenda, and is not even universally supported or trusted by all Muslims. Please follow the Cox & Forkum link above, it has many good excerpts and links about this issue.

I'd like to see US Air launch a counter-lawsuit, and launch a discovery probe into CAIR and it's activities. But I fear the insurance companies will force the airline to settle out of court, which will only encourage more such lawsuits. I hope I'm wrong about this. CAIR needs to be countered, investigated and exposed.

UPDATE 03/22/07:

An excerpt from the Washington Times:

Muslims offer to help 'John Does' sued by imams
[...] Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a Phoenix-area physician and director of American Islamic Forum for Democracy -- a group founded in 2003 to promote moderate Muslim ideas through its Web site ( -- told The Washington Times his group will raise money for legal fees for passengers if they are sued by the imams.

"It's so important that America know there are Muslims who understand who the victims are in air travel," said Dr. Jasser. "But I hope it doesn't get to that point because the backlash will be even greater when Americans see Islamists trying to punish innocent passengers reporting fears." [...]

The motto of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is "At home with American liberty and freedom". Truly, THEY are the kind of Muslims we need to be supporting and encouraging.

Related Links:

Why we should care about CAIR

US Air Imams; a political publicity stunt?

Flying Imam's Actions & Motives Questioned


  1. This is beyond the pale! Could even begin to think it's a "set-up" to prepare passengers for future airline terror?! They may be attempting to knock down each and every simple barrier in this manner?! Just an "Archie" thought. Unless a passenger actually threatened one of these passengers directly - there should be NO possibility to file a law suit!! It is still up to the airline or Air Marshalls when available to determine the possible threat level. Questions and experiences of others should prevail in order to make these determinations. IF our courts are silly enough to take a case like this - we are ALL in trouble! Even more so from within than from the terrorist clowns themselves!

  2. The court should throw it out - but will it even get that far?

    CAIR initiats these law suits because:

    1.) It intimidates their critics into silence.

    2.) The INSURANCE companies of those being sued will often urge (or force) an out-of-court settlement. So the issue often never appears before a judge.

    Even if it did go to court and get thrown out, CAIR would loose nothing, because they are not subject to pay for the legal fees of the people and companies who were forced to pay lawyers to defend themselves.

    Because it's DISCRIMINATION lawsuits that CAIR files, they don't have to pay damages to the accused, even if they lose the suit. Only the accused have to pay. Hence, insurance companies forcing out-of-court settlements, by telling the accused that their insurance will NOT cover them if they go to court and lose.

    It's easy money for groups like CAIR, and is not only profitable, but also advances their agenda of silencing their critics and avoiding public scrutiny.

    I used to work for attorneys, and discrimination cases against people with perceived deep pockets were all too common. Some attorneys base their entire careers on getting those out-of-court settlements they know the insurance companies will insist on (In the legal biz such attorneys are often called "miners", because their practice is based on mining for the easy gold they know they can get). It's disgusting, and a weakness in our legal system.


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