Pelosi's Gambit
[...] In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today vowed Republicans will use every available means to fight this unprecedented change.
“This is an astonishing attempt by the majority leadership to duck accountability for tax-and-spend policies the American people do not want,” Boehner said. “The majority leadership is gutting House rules that have been in place for 185 years so they can raise taxes and increase government spending without a vote. House Republicans will use every tool available to fight this abuse of power.” [...]
Absolutely frigging unbelievable. But hardly surprising, really. Socialists like Nancy Pelosi prefer not to be encumbered with things like votes and accountability. I lived in Pelosi-Land (San Francisco) for 23 years, and know this only too well from experience.
Socialists like her dominate the Democratic party now, and I think you will find they have no respect for American traditions and institutions; they just wish to abolish them and institute their own socialist agenda.
Pelosi promised the American people that Democrats would have the most honest and most open government. This is exactly the opposite, and just goes to show that socialists like her will say ANYTHING to get into office, and then just do what they want, trashing our institutions to advance their agenda without our consent. Do read the rest of Jonah's article for the dirty details.
(Hat Tip to Pat at Born Again Redneck Yogi)
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