Columbia University has rightfully been under fire for inviting Iran's President to speak to its student body. Now Columbia's Dean is not only defending the decision, but says that Columbia would offer a platform for Hitler to come and speak if he were alive and in America.
So, there you have Dean John Coatsworth of Columbia University was on Fox News late last week telling the world that Hitler would be invited to speak at Columbia, were he available. Wonderful. But how do you square this against the decision by Columbia to un-invite the founder of the Minutemen? How do you square this with Columbia's refusal to allow the ROTC on campus? Hitler is OK, but a man who founded a group to monitor illegal activity along our borders is not? Hitler is fine, but young men training to be officers in our armed forces are not? [...]
(bold emphasis mine) The ROTC and the Minutemen are worse than Hitler?
The Left is often fond of saying Bush is worse than Hitler. Here we have a prime example of Bush Derangement Syndrome. From the Gay Patriot Blog:
Left-Wing Lesbian Has Crush on Ahmadinejad?!?!?!
When Hugh linked this post on the DailyKos where a Jewish lesbian, confessed having A Little Crush on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I quickly e-mailed Bruce, telling him that this was “beyond parody” and that I couldn’t find the words to express my stupefaction. Once again, I was rendered speechless by the far left. Yeah, the writer “sallykohn” does acknowledge that the anti-Semitic supporter of terrorism would “probably have [her] killed.” She even notes that there “are certainly many things about Ahmadinejad that I abhor.” All that notwithstanding, she gets “turned on” by this guy’s “frank rhetoric” because he’s “calling out the horrors of the Bush Administration and, for that matter, generations of US foreign policy preceding.“ [...]
Read the Whole thing... hard to believe, but all too common. This was typical of the kind of crap I heard repeatedly from gays in San Francisco, right up to the time we moved away 4 years ago. Lesbian "Christian" Ministers denouncing Bush, America and capitalism from their pulpits, and offering up Islamic Prayers to Allah in support of basically ANYONE in the Middle East who hated Bush, regardless of their track record for murdering gays and lesbians, and regardless of their atrocious treatment of women. And God help you if your tried to confuse them with the facts!
9-11 really brought the deranged thinking of the American Left to the forefront, forcing to me examine a lot of sympathy I used to have for many left wing views. When people so blatantly see only what they want to see, you have to start questioning the validity of their entire world view. That's exactly what I did, and I found it sadly wanting; quite unsupported by facts and reality.
It's emotional thinking at it's worst. They may believe that the enemy of their enemy is automatically their "Friend" But with Friends like Ahmadinejad and other Islamist tyrants, who needs enemies? And if your gay, you should choose your friends more carefully, if you want to stay alive.
Related Link:
A spoof that illustrates what should be obvious to any THINKING person.
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