
Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Holidays, and a Very Happy New Year!

OK, I'm a bit late with the "Happy Holidays" part, as Christmas, Hannukah etc have already passed, but better late than never, as they say in the classics.

We put our Christmas lights up when the daylight savings time fall-back happened, and they will stay up till we spring-forward again in the Spring. I can't be bothered to put up lights for just a few days or weeks, so we leave them up all through the dark season, to give us cheer.

Indoor decorations, like the artificial Xmas tree and the Christmas Angel Wreath, will get taken down soon.

The problem with leaving indoor decorations up for too long is, they get dusty, and you'll choke on the dust when you have to take them down and dust them off. Just try leaving your tree up for a couple of months past Christmas; after the dust storm that's generated when you take it down, you'll be unlikely to do it again.

This time of year is dark, cold, damp and bleak; yet even in it's bleakness, I still see a bleak kind of beauty in our farm and it's cold landscape.

In the bleakness the earth rests, in hibernation and sleep, storing it's energy in preparation for rebirth and new life in the Spring. It speaks to me of hope.

It's in that hope for rebirth and renewal that we now enter a new year.

Best Wishes to All People of Goodwill for a
Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & Prosperous New Year for You and Yours!

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