
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Human-computer interfacing (HCI) by 2020

While this is interesting, some of it sounds kinda creepy... mostly because a lot of it sounds so plausible:

Computing in 2020: erasing the boundary between human and PC
It's easy to view the computer interface as nearly static. Since the advent of mouse-driven, windowed interfaces over 20 years ago, much of human-computer interface (HCI) has gone the same route. But a proliferation of mobile devices is beginning to change that and, even if that weren't the case, important differences are developing in what information is available to computers, and how we access it. In March 2007, Microsoft Research invited 45 leading researchers to discuss where HCI would be in 2020; a report summarizing their conclusions has now been made available.


The report suggests that we're just entering the age of mobile computing, but, by 2020, we'll be in an era of ubiquitous computing. Instead of a few computers and devices, each user, by leveraging pervasive networking, will have access to thousands of computers, with various information and capabilities available through each.

With everything about a person being recorded, imaged, or twittered, and all of that information constantly available, the report claims that we're about to reach the end of the ephemeral. By having medical information, personal photos, and even minute-by-minute thoughts permanently stored online, people will voluntarily provide access to more information than government spies or advertising agencies could ever succeed in gathering. [...]

These are just a few excerpts, the article isn't very long, but it touches on a lot more, there's plenty of food for thought. There are some Borg-like ideas, and I'm reading it and thinking OMG, Brave New World, etc. Then the author concludes with a Brave New World comment, so I guess I wasn't too far off. If you read the full article, it has an embedded link to the referenced report. Yikes.

Related Link:     Coming soon: superfast internet

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