
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Conservatism and France: What's next?

Not a new political party, but a new political "movement". Tiberge at the Brussels Journal gives us the details:

France: A New Movement Forms
After conservative victories in Italy and England, are the French finally finding their way to a new and healthy alternative to both Jean-Marie Le Pen and Nicolas Sarkozy?

The websites are talking about a new movement that has been formed the Nouvelle Droite Populaire (NDP), composed of defectors from Le Pen's Front National, members of Bruno Mégret's MNR (National Republican Movement), and other nationalist, sovereignist and regionalist groups, parties and individuals. This is not a political party but an assembly of like-minded individuals who espouse a policy of both decentralization, i.e., regionalism, and nationalism. After an initial meeting on March 29 to lay the groundwork, a second meeting on April 27 adopted the official name which translates as New Popular Right. Their website outlines the group's goals: [...]

Read the whole thing. There does indeed seem to be a backlash of sorts brewing in Europe, as some of the Europeans find their backbone. Good!

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