
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Voodoo Socks by Wang Bang-yu

Here is a unique Christmas gift for the person who has it all:

Angry at your boss? Try Taiwanese voodoo socks
Taipei - A Taiwanese computer engineer who quit his job because he could not get on with his boss found a second calling as a purveyor of voodoo socks, footwear for people with a grudge to bear.

Wang Bang-yu, 27, from the southern city of Tainan, told cable TV channel TVBS on Wednesday that he resigned from a hi-tech company earlier this year because his boss 'stepped on me all the time.'

To vent his anger he drew the outline of a doll on the back of his socks and wrote 'ex-boss' inside it.

After donning the socks and stomping his feet repeatedly, Wang felt better, which gave him the idea of mass-producing his new voodoo socks. [...]

You can get ones printed with "ex-boyfriend", "ex-girlfriend", or even the names of politicians (Now THERE'S an idea!) Orders over 300 allow you to choose your own words.

(H.T to Pat_S at the TammyBruce Blog)


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