
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Wafa Sultan and Nasar Khader both endure death threats

I had done an earlier post about Dr. Sultan, and her appearence on Al Jazeera TV where she debated a Muslim cleric. That video has appeared on the internet, and recieved a lot of attention, with over 1,000,000 downloads. Now the New York Times has an interview with her, in this article titled "For Muslim Who Says Violence Destroys Islam, Violent Threats"

This brave woman has endured death threats since, but is compelled to speak out. She is an ex-Muslim and a psychologist, who is working on a book about the Muslim world. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

... DR. SULTAN is "working on a book that — if it is published — it's going to turn the Islamic world upside down."

"I have reached the point that doesn't allow any U-turn. I have no choice. I am questioning every single teaching of our holy book."

The working title is,

"The Escaped Prisoner: When God Is a Monster."

Dr. Sultan grew up in a large traditional Muslim family in Banias, Syria, a small city on the Mediterranean about a two-hour drive north of Beirut. Her father was a grain trader and a devout Muslim, and she followed the faith's strictures into adulthood.

But, she said, her life changed in 1979 when she was a medical student at the University of Aleppo, in northern Syria. At that time, the radical Muslim Brotherhood was using terrorism to try to undermine the government of President Hafez al-Assad. Gunmen of the Muslim Brotherhood burst into a classroom at the university and killed her professor as she watched, she said.

"They shot hundreds of bullets into him, shouting, 'God is great!' " she said. "At that point, I lost my trust in their god and began to question all our teachings. It was the turning point of my life, and it has led me to this present point. I had to leave. I had to look for another god."

You can read the whole interview HERE (please note that you may have register and sign in with the NYT website. Registration is free).

Nasar Khader, a moderate Muslim and a member of the Danish Parliament, is also someone I have featured in an earlier post. He has been critical of the lying Danish Imams who instigated the cartoon riots via a deceptive propaganda tour through the Middle East. He too is recieving death threats. From GatewayPundit:

...It is strange to think that these moderate Muslims live under this threat not just in places like Pakistan or Jordan, but right here in the West. These threats of violence by the radical Islamists must be confronted. There has to be more done to protect and uplift the moderates of Islam. And, Islam has to begin to take a look at itself and its culture of violence.

I couldn't agree more. You can read more of GatewayPundit's post here: Those Violent Imams Are at it Again, with photos, links, and excerpts from a recent interview with Nasar Khader.

Related links:

Lying Imams should be put to Death (according to Islam)!

The Cartoon Jihad: putting the pieces of the puzzle together...


  1. 04 07 06

    My lord. I have read about Dr. Sultan and she is tough as nails!!! I am saddened that she comes from such an intolerant culture. I need to ask some theologians about why we are having these integration problems with Muslims worldwide, and if there is something in the Koran that mandates or justifies separatism. I know enough of the Bible to say that the OT did have such laws in place, but the New Covenant shifted those paradigms. What of a new covenant in Islam? I don't know. I do know that Sufiism is a mystical sect and doesn't focus on jihads, however the Sufiis are more obscure too. Good post and sorry for rambling./

  2. The jihadists believe that whatever Mohammed said latter in life supercedes anything he said earlier in life; so if you have to choose between two things he said, then whatever he said closer to his death is more important.

    I think Mohammed went insane. In the earlier days, he said a lot of nice things, but as time wore on, he got crazier and more bloodthirsty and intolerant. And it's THOSE later passages that the jihadists use to justify themselves.

    Islam has failed to reform and join the civilized world, because those who have tried to introduce reform have been killed by those who beleive the blood thirsty passages of the Koran take presidence over all others.

    I don't think all Muslims are crazy, but anyone who claims the violent passages superceed the peacful ones, is bound to become nuts. Crazy is as crazy does.

    You aren't rambling, you are just trying to figure out what's up with Islam. There is a lot to consider.

    I've just been reading blogs by Muslims, talking about Dr. Sultan. At best they say she is a fool; but they sound like fools themselves when they try to explain why.

    I was going to do a post about the things they have been saying about her, but reading their thoughts has actually creeped me out so much, I can't write about it. These folks think they make perfect, logical sense, but they sound insane to me; trapped in cult thinking, because their reference to EVERYTHING is ISLAM , and ONLY ISLAM. There is no debating, arguing are reasoning with that.

    I am comming to the conclusion that when they say "Islam means peace", they mean that the only peace that is possible is complete submission to Islam; and if you must slaughter everyone who disagrees with that to achive that peace, then so be it.

    It's unevolved and primative thinking, but since Islam does not encourage questioning or debate, but only submission, it isn't really suprising.


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