I've been slacking off on the blogging, as the Farm is keeping me busy, and I have some other stuff I need to catch up on. Tammy Bruce has a few good posts lately that I'd like to link to here:
The Facts About Israel
Some of these facts I already knew, other's were new to me. How can one judge what is happening in the Middle East without knowing the facts? Yet they don't teach these in public schools, nor will you hear them from the MSM.
Another post by Tammy:
Ledeen and Hanson on History Repeating Itself
History really does repeat itself. To look around us now, and see the moral insanity that is griping Western culture, it's temping to think it's something new, but it isn't. The world of the 1930's was in so many ways similar to our own in the present, as these two authors show us.
I hadn't realized just how similar it was, politically and culturally. In one sense, it's reasuring, in that the world survived. In another sense, it's disturbing, because it seems we haven't learned, and are repeating the same mistakes.
Most disturbing of all, is the big difference we are facing this time: the enemies we faced then didn't have the capability of nuclear weapons, though it can be argued that if we had waited any longer before entering WWII, Germany may have had more time to develop the A bomb first. If they had, we would be living in a very different world now.
In the present, WMD technology already exists, and the enemy is on the verge of acquiring it. If we wait too long this time, we may not have a 2nd chance to make things right again.
A nuclear Iran doesn't need an arsenal big enough to destroy the world. They only have to make enough strategic strikes to collapse world economies, and plunge us all into a new dark ages... or worse.
If that sounds extreme, consider this article, by Victor Davis Hanson:
The Fragility of the Good Life
The "Good Life" that we lead and take for granted is more fragile than many of us realise.

Is Iran's leadership really that crazy? Consider this, from Melanie Phillips article, England? No, Lemmingland:
At a recent Stop the West rally (yes, I know, but that’s their real agenda) demonstrators waved placards proclaiming ‘We’re all Hezbollah now’. Really? If so, why were they allowed to parade in Trafalgar Square? In a sane society, they should surely all have been arrested as a self-proclaimed army of holy warriors whose explicit aim was to murder untold numbers of innocents, destroy Britain, America and the free world and subjugate them to the dictatorship of the ayatollahs.
Because that’s what Hezbollah is. Literally designated the Army of God, it is a military force funded, trained by and answerable to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iran that is pledged — as it has been since the Khomeini revolution of 1979 — to the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews, as a prelude to destroying the west and infidels everywhere. The Iran that is steadily developing nuclear weapons so that it can achieve these aims...
...According to Shia tradition, legitimate Islamic rule can only be established following the reappearance of the Twelfth Imam, a kind of Shia messiah. Khomeini taught that the Twelfth Imam would only appear when the believers had vanquished evil.
Ahmadinejad is driven by the desire to bring about his arrival on earth through promoting Armageddon. The night before August 22 is when the Prophet Mohammed is said to have ascended to heaven from Temple Mount, when a ‘great light lit up the night sky’ over Jerusalem. The date on which Ahmadinejad has said he will respond to the EU’s ultimatum over his nuclear programme is August 22. Will his response be to light up the sky over Jerusalem?.
Doubtless any attempt to prevent this would be damned in Britain as ‘disproportionate’. But if Israel were to lose to Iran, it would herald a catastrophe for the entire free world...
(bold emphasis mine)Her article has a great deal more to say, about the left's foolish alliance with Radical Islam, and more, it's worth reading the whole thing.
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