Searchlight vs. L.A.: Rival Rallies Reveal Stark Right/Left Divide
[...] these rallies, you might likely assume (without even bothering to investigate) that the right-wing rally was an epicenter of hate, racism and craziness, whereas the left-wing rally was undoubtedly about peace, tolerance and rationalism.
Luckily, we no longer have to rely on the mainstream media. In both cases, citizen journalist bloggers were on hand to document the proceedings with eye-opening photo essays:
El Marco: Tea Party Express rally, Searchlight, March 27
Ringo: Anti-war rally, Los Angeles, March 20
Two rallies, not very far apart in time or location — and yet they couldn’t be more different.
I consider myself neither left-wing nor right-wing, and I disagree with one side or the other on various issues — but after viewing these images, I don’t think there’s any question where I’d feel more at ease.
Below is a sampling of images from each rally. (Click on the links above for the full reports.) Scan them and tell me: At which rally would you feel more comfortable? [...]
Follow the links and see the photos. Arrgh! The mental sickness in the Democrat party is what drove me out of it. People who are literally out of their minds.
Excellent photo essays.
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