Hat tip to Cox and Forkum for the cartoon. You can read their related commentary and links HERE.
A cartoon that insulted the Azeri minority in Iran (about 25 percent of the population) by refering to them as cockroaches has triggered a wave of protests, not only about the cartoon, but other issues as well.
There are a lot of seething tensions due to internal problems in Iran. The country has high unemployment; half their population are young people in their 20's with no future job prospects. Iran also faces a serious drug abuse problem. The Iranian government insists on blaming foreign agitation for the unrest, even though it was a cartoon in a state-run newspaper that seems to have sparked the protests.
Ethnic minorities make up about half the population of Iran, and are increasingly expressing their opposition to the government. Here are some photos, you can see more via the links below:

Related Links:
Iran: Restive Provinces
Regime Commandos & Hezbollah Thugs Pound Iranian Protesters
Rare pictures of protests in Iran
1 comment:
Who needs the neutron bomb? All we need to do is print a bunch of stupid shit and let those morons tear each other apart!
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