Saturday, April 22, 2006

Farm Report 04/22/06

It's spring, and everything is growing! The ducks are getting out and about. Here they are in the kitchen with Pat:

They are very messy. They like to play in water whenever possible, but are still too young to be allowed in water of any depth. They will need to get their feathers and the needed body oils on the feathers, before they can actually swim. Till then, they just get to splash around in puddles:

Here were the baby chicks at about two weeks old:

Here they are now, at about 4 weeks old:

Meanwhile, in the chicken coop, Bertie Rooster, vicious hat-ornament at large, is as vicious as ever, keeping all his hens in line. Here you can see him at the end of the bottom row at the back, his head peaking over a golden hen, to see if he should come over and attack the camera:

Here he is on the right, next to Honey, one of the two Golden Girls who sometimes likes to give him a hard time:

He prefers to sit next to his favorite wife, Turandot, the Chinese Coachen-Bantam, but she's not been available lately. She has a career now:

Turandot has decided she is the "official" brooder of the coop, and has begun sitting religiously on all the eggs the bantams lay. She's quite devoted; I think she could hatch a golf ball if I put one in there.

Are the eggs fertilized? Who knows, we'll just have to wait four weeks and see...

Related Fowl Link: Gayle's Goose Story

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