Hat tip to Cox and Forkum for the cartoon. You can read their related commentary and links HERE.
I had made a post about this just recently. The teachings of the Saudi Wahhabi cult of Islam are not limited to Saudi Arabia, but are actively exported worldwide, even to schools here in the United States.
One writer, Laura Mansfield, has written a series of articles about what is being taught in American Muslim schools. She is an ex-Muslim who speaks fluent Arabic. While visiting a school in the USA, she heard a talk given in arabic. They assumed she couldn't speak arabic. She heard the following:
...I checked the mosque schedule on the web, and discovered that there was going to be an Arabic language session an hour before. So I showed up an hour early. The imam met me at the door, and told me that the presentation didn’t start for an hour, and suggested I come back in an hour. Fortunately I had anticipated this. I explained that since I had quite a bit of reading to do for a class I was taking. “Can I just sit here and read?”
He hesitated a moment, then agreed. I sat in the back of the room, with my book open, and made a mental note to remember to turn the pages every so often, as I listened to the speakers in Arabic...
...At that point another student took the podium. His name was Khaled, and he began to recount his recent trip to New York City. Khaled and three of his companions had gone to New York for several days in January. He told of how uncomfortable his trip up to NYC had been. He felt like he was being watched, and thought he was the victim of racial profiling.
Khaled and his friends were pretty unhappy about it, and while in New York, they came up with a plan to “teach a lesson” to the passengers and crew. You can imagine the story Khaled told. He described how he and his friends whispered to each other on the flight, made simultaneous visits to the restroom, and generally tried to “spook” the other passengers. He laughed when he described how several women were in tears, and one man sitting near him was praying.
The others in the room thought the story was quite amusing, judging from the laughter. The Imam stood up and told the group that this was a kind of peaceful civil disobedience that should be encouraged, and commended Khaled and his friends for their efforts.
He pointed out that it was through this kind of civil disobedience that ethnic profiling would fail...
(bold emphasis mine)Is this kind of behavior actually being taught and encouraged for political ends? Laura Mansfield also stayed for the 2nd session, in English, which was very different from the first, in Arabic. The same Imam spoke in both sessions, and completely contradicted himself. The English session was a recruiting session, meant to draw people in. You can read the whole thing HERE.
Keeping in mind the Imam's comments about undermining ethnic profiling, consider this story on Michelle Malkin's site:
...with the story of the two lying Saudi men who boarded a school bus in Florida. And it is not racist to say so.
An excerpt:

...Two men from Saudi Arabia were arrested today after they boarded a public school bus taking students to Wharton High School, the sheriff's office reported.
Mana Saleh Almanajam, 23, and Shaker Mohsen Alsidran, 20, both of Tampa, were charged with trespassing on school grounds as unlawful riders on a school bus.
Deputies say the two boarded the bus at a regular bus stop at Fletcher Avenue and 42nd street. Deputies said the bus driver and the students saw them and became concerned by their presence. The driver notified her supervisors who, in turn, called authorities.
A sheriff's deputy met then at Wharton High school and charged with them with trespassing.
The two men "initially told deputies they were from Morocco, but later admitted to being from Saudi Arabia," the sheriff's office said. "They told authorities they are enrolled at the English Language Institute at the University of South Florida. The defendants gave several versions of the reason they took a school bus to a high school, among those being they wanted to enroll in easier English language classes."
Investigators say the two arrived in the United States about six months ago and are required to be enrolled at the English Language Institute.
A sheriff's spokesman say they are registered students at the university.
Local, state and federal agents searched the residences of the two men and found nothing of concern...
(bold emphasis mine) I'm just waiting for CAIR to call this racism. So what is this all about? Could this be an example of a kind of "civil disobedience" meant to undermind any kind of ethnic profiling, making it easier for terrorists to move about in our country?
You can read the whole thing HERE. Next time you hear and odd story like this, remember what the Imam said about undermining ethnic profiling.
Islamic Schools in our own country aren't the only ones we should be concerned about. Look what is happening in many of our public schools, where you aren't allowed to express the Christian religion, but Allah and Islam are more than just fine:
Teaching Johnny About Islam
Some excerpts:
...In a recent federal decision that got surprisingly little press, even from conservative talk radio, California's 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled it's OK to put public-school kids through Muslim role-playing exercises, including:
Reciting aloud Muslim prayers that begin with "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful . . . ."
Memorizing the Muslim profession of faith: "Allah is the only true God and Muhammad is his messenger."
Chanting "Praise be to Allah" in response to teacher prompts.
Professing as "true" the Muslim belief that "The Holy Quran is God's word."
Giving up candy and TV to demonstrate Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Designing prayer rugs, taking an Arabic name and essentially "becoming a Muslim" for two full weeks.
Parents of seventh-graders, who after 9-11 were taught the pro-Islamic lessons as part of California's world history curriculum, sued under the First Amendment ban on religious establishment. They argued, reasonably, that the government was promoting Islam...
...In the California course on world religions, Christianity is not presented equally. It's covered in just two days and doesn't involve kids in any role-playing activities. But kids do get a good dose of skepticism about the Christian faith, including a biting history of its persecution of other peoples. In contrast, Islam gets a pass from critical review. Even jihad is presented as an "internal personal struggle to do one's best to resist temptation," and not holy war.
The ed consultant's name is Susan L. Douglass. No, she's not a Christian scholar. She's a devout Muslim activist on the Saudi government payroll, according to an investigation by Paul Sperry, author of "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington." He found that for years Douglass taught social studies at the Islamic Saudi Academy just outside Washington, D.C. Her husband still teaches there.
(bold emphasis mine) So what? By infiltrating our public school system, the Saudis hope to make Islam more widely accepted while converting impressionable American youth to their radical cause. Recall that John Walker Lindh, the "American Taliban," was a product of the California school system. What's next, field trips to Mecca?...
You can read the whole article HERE.
Related Link:
About the two Saudi men on the schoolbus. Terrorists and their supporters are engaged in a program of behavior like this in order to serve two goals.
One, to map out the response of US law enforcment and security to this kind of thing. Terrorists now have an idea of what to expect if they are planning to attack an American schoolbus.
Two, by using people who have no links to terrorism (known links, anyway) and who can stand a search they make this kind of behavior look less unusual and less dangerous.
Yep, you summed it up nicely. I don't believe it was accidental or a misunderstanding. It gives me the creeps, for the very reasons you sited.
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