Hat tip to Cox and Forkum for the cartoon. You can read their related commentary and links to several articles on this topic HERE. An excerpt:
...Over the weekend, Condoleezza Rice rejected a bogus Iranian offer for international inspections, saying that the Iranians are "playing games." They sure are, but they're playing the game we started: the charade of trying to establish the basis for war by going through a United Nations Security Council that is sympathetic to dictatorships and hostile to the US.
This is the same charade we played before the invasion of Iraq, and as with that game, the slowdown will only help our enemies, while carrying the real risk that the US will cleverly box itself into a diplomatic corner, permanently stalling our efforts to stop Iran...
That's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! We need to forget about the UN. It's just a repeat of what happened with Iraq. Waiting for the UN's approval probably led to giving Sadaam time to remove/hide his WMD's. It's infuriating!
History repeats itself, for those who don't learn it's lessons.
IF we are going to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, we need to just do it. If it's dragged out like the buildup to the Iraq war was, it will just become a Media Circus, with all the Cindy Sheehans and Peace Moonbeams going to Iran to chain themselves to nuclear facilities... along with hundreds of Iranian women and children, placed there by the Iranian government.
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