Pelosi goes to Syria, setting a new presedent for the worse.
From Thomas Sowell:
Democrats Playing With Fire
[...] Until Nancy Pelosi came along, it was understood by all that we had only one president at a time and -- like him or not -- he alone had the Constitutional authority to speak for this country to foreign nations, especially in wartime.
All that Pelosi's trip can accomplish is to advertise American disunity to a terrorist-sponsoring nation in the Middle East while we are in a war there. That in turn can only embolden the Syrians to exploit the lack of unified resolve in Washington by stepping up their efforts to destabilize Iraq and the Middle East in general.
Members of the opposition party, whichever party that might be at a given time, knew that their role was not to intervene abroad themselves to undermine this country's foreign policy, however much they might criticize it at home. [...]
None of this is really surprising to me. Hippies and socialists disregard laws and traditions whenever it suits them, if they think they can get away with it. Nancy Pelosi is both a hippy and a socialist at heart, no matter how many strings of pearls she wears. She and her constituents also don't believe we are at war, and are acting accordingly. 9-11 was just a law enforcement problem, you see, even if the Jihadists themselves call it a war. Sowell continues:
[...] But whatever passing damage is being done to George W. Bush is a relatively minor concern compared to the lasting damage that is being done to the presidency as an institution that will still be here when George W. Bush is gone.
Once it becomes accepted that it is all right to violate both the laws and the traditions of this nation, and to undermine the ability of the United States to speak to other nations of the world with one voice, we will have taken another fateful step downward into the degeneration of this society.
Such a drastic and irresponsible step should remove any lingering doubt that the Democrats' political strategy is to ensure that there is an American defeat in Iraq, in order to ensure their own political victory in 2008.
That these political games are being played while Iran keeps advancing relentlessly toward acquiring nuclear weapons is a fateful sign of the utter unreality of politicians preoccupied with scoring points and a media obsessed with celebrity bimbos, living and dead.
Once Iran has nuclear weapons, that will be an irreversible change that will mark a defining moment in the history of the United States and of Western civilization, which will forever after live at the mercy of hate-filled suicidal fanatics and sadists. [...]
It seems 9-11 just wasn't enough. Will it take something bigger? Iran will oblige us there, but if we wait till then it really will be too late.
Thomas Sowell sums it up nicely, it's worth reading the whole thing.
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