Ms. Goodling is probably terrified that if she can't remember something, she'll be thrown in prison for 25 years like Scooter Libby. The witch hunt continues.
Justice is supposed to be blind and let the scales do the judging, but lately it seems she peeks a lot, making the scales a bit wonky:

What's wrong with Portland? Have a look here, here and here.

I expect that boycotting Fox News is going to become a permanent tactic for those Democrats who fear scrutiny and only want softball questions from sympathetic media. What can you expect from people who's arguments are so flimsy, that they can't even debate their way out of a wet paper bag?

Another "batch" of great toons deserves a great award! Here I thought I had your E-Mail address - life is confusing! Go HERE - Tag - You're IT!
Thank you Chrys, I'm flattered. But I'm sorry to say that I'll have to decline.
Spring is gearing up and the farm is taking more and more of my time. Also, many of the people I would tag have already been tagged for this by others.
I hope you understand. I'm honored that you think my blog worthy enough to tag, and I do thank you for that.
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